A postage stamp commemorates the fortieth anniversary of Kozlduy NPP
A jubilee postage stamp was issued to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the commissioning of Unit 1 at Kozloduy NPP. The official ceremony was held on the 20th May in the Communication Museum of the Sofia Central Post Office. The stamp was given the seal of approval simultaneously by Dragomir Stoynev, Minister of Economy and Energy, Danail Papazov, Minister of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications, and Ivan Genov, Kozloduy NPP’s CEO.
On the occasion of the anniversary the Minister Stoynev also congratulated the Plant management on the very good results achieved in 2013. In the second half of 2013, the electricity production of Kozloduy NPP was increased by 5% compared to the previous six months after the amendments of the Energy Act, and today we report profit which we have not had over the years, emphasized the Minister. All this is a result of the new style of plant operation and modern challenges the plant is facing - the operational lifetime extension of Units 5&6, and of course, the future construction of Unit 7. I believe that in the next 20 to 30 years with the new investments in Kozloduy NPP we will continue speaking in a positive manner for nuclear power in Bulgaria that provides the cheapest energy for consumers and business added Stoynev,
For four decades the First Atomic has been the biggest national electricity producer. The generated energy provides for approximately one third of the total energy mix in Bulgaria. For the entire period of operation, the company has produced 538 800 Gigawatt hours electricity which may be used to illuminate about 13 thousand towns with the size of Sofia.
The philately work on the stamp is dedicated to Kozloduy NPP and is created by the artist Taxin Ahmed. It has the denomination of BGN 0.65, the size of 25mm to 25mm, a ripple edge perforation and a print run of 11 000 pieces.